He came the other day too, but I didn't manage to get a picture...
And if you're wondering, yes, I am very disappointed that the snow is almost all gone, there is no prospect of more, and all the Met Office can offer me is leaden skies and rain, which means mud until spring. I no longer crunch my way over to the bird feeders, I squelch and try to avoid huge puddles.
What a lovely photo. He is looking right at you or so it seems. I haven't any trees close enough to the house to view from the window, only shrubs. Will have to get out the binoculars. It is such a thrill to see a bird and recognise it, (and I'm no expert) but one of my sons got a birdwatching kit for Christmas so we are hoping to improve our skills!
Assuming you are in the UK, why don't you do the Big Garden Birdwatch with your children? It is coming up soon... the weekend of 23/24 Jan. Start putting out food (peanuts, fatballs, bread, apples, whatever) to start getting them used to being able to get food from your garden, and with the weather we've been having you'll be over-run in no time, which is such a thrill!
|hello there
Yes we are in Lancashire. We actually made our own fatballs today after reading my tiny plot's version, and hung them on the shrubs. Thanks for the tip off, we will have a go at the garden birdwatch. I just hope we can actually recognize anything!
that is a beautiful bird! nice photo too.
I love the idea of a national garden birdwatch. I think I will just d it on my own and mark down the different varieties I get in the garden. Lots of cardinals this year!
Don, I hope you do the garden birdwatch... go on, confuse the RSPB by reporting your Missouri birds!
Or at least let us know... do a post about it... perhaps you could start a trend in the USA!
Oops, Michigan birds...
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