Saturday, 30 January 2010

And the results are in!

We've just done it, Pip and me... our annual contribution to the Big Garden Birdwatch. (Ok, so we did it last week too, but that was just a practice run!)

We woke up this morning to a light covering of snow, which made everything look pretty again, which was nice. I was extra pleased though because last week it was quite warm when we did the Watch and compared to the numbers of birds we had been seeing over the past few weeks when it was freezing we hardly saw any birds. So the snow this morning meant that it was cold out there - which hopefully would mean we would see more birds.

And since we have last week's Bird-Watch information I thought I would record both for comparison's sake:

Sat 23
Blackbird 4
Robin 1
Dunnock 2
House sparrow 6
Carrion crow 1
Chaffinch 1
Goldfinch 2
Greenfinch 1
Blue tit 2
Great tit 2
Magpie 1

Sat 30
Blackbird 5
Robin 2
Dunnock 3
House sparrow 5
Carrion crow 2
Chaffinch 2
Goldfinch 5
Greenfinch 3
Blue tit 1
Great tit 1
Magpie 2

And our bonus extra bird this week was that we saw Mr & Mrs Bullfinch!!! So lots of finches and hardly any (well, 2) tits! We do see lots of tits generally, so not sure why this week and last week they have been low.

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