I have just been reading an update from the delightful blogger, June, over at Four Green Acres and this got me to thinking about something I don't generally think about. Ticks.
You know, that's one of the best things about living in the UK: the grass is generally critter-free. The Garden Boy is from Oklahoma, and when we go out there we have to watch for ticks and chiggers, but over here, feel free to lie in the long grass and count the buttercups. Apart from getting itchy and hay-fevery you won't do yourself any damage. Hooray!
I suppose you might get them if you go around cuddling sheep, or cows, or deer, or other wild animals, but generally, on a day-to-day basis in the garden, and even going for walks in the countryside through meadows and woodlands you don't even have to think about it.
Although I may regret writing this (are clouds gathering as I type?), you know what makes it really unfair? At the moment we are having the beautiful warm, sunny weather that June in her Four Acres is accustomed to for summer and that (so rumour has it) we don't ever get! So it's sunny, 70s, and (generally) no ticks and chiggers. Jealous yet?
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Camping Report
It was fabulous. Totally terrific. The weather co-operated perfectly. We had some light showers the first night, but in the middle of the night, and by the time we were up it was long gone. And that was it for wet weather (unlike last year...)
Saturday was intermittent sunshine, but no rain. We went to Fountains Abbey, which was wonderful, as always. We had huge gangs of kids with us, from a gaggle of 3-and-4 yr olds, a bunch ranging from 6 to 13, and a few teenagers. Most of them spent the whole time playing hide-and-seek and 'scare your parents' all over the ruins. We had a picnic lunch then walked down to the cafe at the end. Look at the view back to the abbey.
We ended the day with barbecues and toasted marshmallows. Needless to say the kids slept really well, and so did we, completely pooped out.
And today has been sunny the whole time. Sunburn weather, in fact! We took the tents down leisurely while the kids ran around playing on the play equipment, or in and out of the bushes that line the fields... they had 'dens' everywhere, and thoroughly enjoyed the freedom.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Going camping with a great big group of friends tonight, coming home Sunday afternoon. Wish us luck!
Today: Sunny Intervals. Temp: 17°C
Saturday: Light Rain Shower. Max: 17°C (that's when the barbecue is scheduled for!)
Sunday: White Cloud. Max: 18°C
We're going here. Same place as last year, and if the weather is fine (as in, not rainy or blowing a gale) it will be wonderful. The kids can't wait!
Today: Sunny Intervals. Temp: 17°C
Saturday: Light Rain Shower. Max: 17°C (that's when the barbecue is scheduled for!)
Sunday: White Cloud. Max: 18°C
We're going here. Same place as last year, and if the weather is fine (as in, not rainy or blowing a gale) it will be wonderful. The kids can't wait!
Monday, 15 June 2009
We have a wonderful array of self-seeded and multiply-crossed poppies growing in pots and in the cracks in the bricks of the driveway. They are too lovely to keep to ourselves, so I thought I would share the beauty with you. I will save seeds and send to anyone who would like some. Just email me! Who knows what you will get, but it is bound to be beautiful. Just look!

Thursday, 11 June 2009
Hard Work, but Fun
Been trying to work down at the allotment quite a bit recently despite all the rain we have had.

Developing a bog!

Drowned potatoes!
I have had a lot of help from a friend's grown-up sons who have been shifting dirt and building fences, and their next project is compost bins.

When I have been down by myself I have been listening to downloaded podcasts from the BBC - Radio 4 and World Service. Such a lot of interesting programs! But I am never quite alone as we have a very scruffy (matches the plot) but territorial blackbird who spends his time avoiding the fork and stuffing his beak full of worms. Such a funny little bird. Love it!

Thursday, 4 June 2009
Allotment Helpers
I went down to the allotment this afternoon with Spike and some friends. Friends with muscles. And some other little friends, who enjoyed worm hunting (and torturing) and watering the veggies (and making muddy puddles). It kept threatening to rain, but never did, and it was a great afternoon.
One really good thing that those with muscles worked on (with the help of little people) was the start of the fence at the front. And you know what? They actually seem to know what they are doing, construction-wise. We may be in danger of our slovenly hodge-podge of an allotment starting to look a little more respectable. I will have to watch this carefully!
Having said that, the rest of the allotment still looks very untidy... so maybe I'm not in such danger as I thought.
Thanks to everyone for their help. It was greatly appreciated, and I hope it will continue!
Tuesday, 2 June 2009
Hostage Situation



We are being held hostage by the crows which have been nesting in one of our trees. A baby is on the ground, and has been wandering around our garden most of the day. I am not sure if it can fly... it's pretty big, but doesn't look fully grown or very confident. I haven't seen it fly. It may have tried to fly out of the tree, and now can't get back. It is currently hanging out in my veggie patch, which is next to my washing line... which means I can't hang up my washing for fear of being dive-bombed! it's not good. I will have to keep the boys in the house when I pick them up from school. Hope they figure this out by tonight!
We had a brave neighbour/friend come and remove the baby to a less busy part of the garden. Baby was noisily unimpressed by this treatment, and so were parents, but nobody (bird or human) came to any harm. And baby was still wandering around in that part of the garden when night fell. One parent was still hovering nervously while the other took care of another baby still in the nest. Hopefully 'our' baby will survive. The temperature is dropping - and s/he doesn't have a nice cosy nest to sleep in tonight.
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