I had seen these rubbery trug things on tv. Granted it was on gardening programs where they are used to lug things around the garden, but I thought to myself 'hey, that would work'! Being rubbery it wouldn't break if someone decided to sit in it (or on it) and turn it into a boat or car. And it wouldn't complain if I crashed it into the wall as I tried to go through the door with it on my hip. In fact, since it has handles and is super-flexible I could even carry it in one hand, like a bag!
So I went out and bought me one.
And guess what? It works just fine as a laundry basket. It got it's first use this afternoon bringing in a load of clean sheets off the line.
But even better, it makes a great car/boat/tub to sit in and read a book.

And it didn't get broken, or even slightly cracked!
Long live the Trug!
Biggest didn't get in the trug to read. He was too busy reading on the beanbag to play such babyish games.

And Middley decided that as great as it was for reading it was easier to do colouring on the floor.

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