Vegetable-wise, the garden is looking pretty good too. The potatoes are leafy and in nice straight rows.

Except for the odd stray. Like this one which showed up in the onion-and-garlic bed. (click to see it more clearly)

The peas and mangetout (for the RHS trial) are coming up nicely. I planted 8 of each, and 3 of one and 4 of the other have come up. Don't know if it's poor germination, or something more sinister...

And the bumble-bees are out in force. Enjoying the chive flowers here. Last year I split a pot from Tesco, from the 'growing herbs' (as opposed to 'cut herbs') section. They cost about a pound. I split it into three and planted among the roses which always get aphid-covered in an attempt to deter them. I don't think they are much detered, but the bees love it and they have filled the bed. And set seed and new freebie chives are growing. Not bad for a pound.

There is a bee on there, just to the left of centre... but you'll probably have to click to 'make it big' to see it clearly.
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