Look who we found scuttling across our kitchen floor the other evening. He was a biggie. You can tell because that's a drinking glass he's under! Dude christened him 'goliath'.
Spiders seem to be everywhere at the moment. If they're not making sparkly webs in the bushes (where they should be) they are wandering around the kitchen or hanging out in the shower. Not really the best place for a spider to be.
I don't mind spiders... I don't want to cuddle one, and I don't want one to walk on me... but in general I am happy to have them around, just at a distance. We have a pact. They don't bother me, I don't bother them... It even goes so far as the embarrassing fact that when at school they did a project about their pets (we don't have one) Pip did his about his pet spider! (I am sure there was an alternative project he could have done... children without pets would not have been ostracised!)
But never-the-less, I don't really want big hairy beasts sitting down at the kitchen table and demanding dinner. There are enough of those who I actually DO have to feed! So goliath got sent outside to hunt for his own dinner.
In other news: driving home from school the other day and Dude called from the back 'Mummy! Look! It's a rainbow sun!' And so it was... the conditions were right to produce a Sun Dog! It wasn't a brilliant one - and my photo of it is even less than brilliant... note to self: take a picture that includest the sun next time! In my defense it was quite small, and so I zoomed right in.
They are so amazingly cool, and we see them so rarely, and if the clouds change between when you spot it and when you find your camera, or someone to show, then it will have gone... so I rushed the job. Good thing I did though, because in this photo it is less bright than it was, and in the subsequent photos I took it was even less visible.
So there you go, your weekend activities: spider hunting and keeping an eye out for sun dogs...
Oh, just remembered... Pip is having a friend over tomorrow night for his very first sleepover... wish us luck!