Thursday, 3 December 2009

Stones into Schools

I am all excited! Greg Mortenson has a new book out. It's called Stones into Schools and it is on my Amazon wishlist!

His last one, Three Cups of Tea was amazing. He is amazing. What he does, and has done is amazing. And wonderful. HE should have got the Nobel Peace Prize, not Obama. Not that I have anything against Obama, but really, compared to what Greg has acheived...

Anyway, very excited about the prospect of this new book, and wanted to let you all know about it.

And if you order it from (not sure about, maybe there too) the CAI (Central Asia Institute) which Greg founded and runs (with a little help from his friends) gets a whopping 7%. Which they are very pleased about... it makes me wonder how much (how little!) authors usually get from book sales!

Anyway, go find out about it, and if you haven't read Three Cups of Tea, please do. The generosity and kindness in it is wonderful. Amazing. Inspiring.

And go find out about the CAI and the work they do here!

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