Saturday, 6 December 2008

Saturday at the Infirmary


They are sick again...

Two weeks ago it was Dude & Spike, ending up with Dude missing 3 days of school and Spike having a course of antib's to sort out a chest infection. Then we had a week of relative health... just general snottiness that most kids have at this time of year.

But now we are down again. Spike (again!) and Pip this time. And guess what? GardenBoy was all clammy and shivery and needed breakfast in bed before he could take the ibuprofen (not on an empty stomach!) and enter the land of the living.

Still at least he could cuddle and soothe the stuffy, snotty, hot and miserable Spikelet.

Thought Pip was ok again after having 2 days off school, but around noon he lay down on the sofa under a blanket and refused to move! He has a cough which is really disturbing him (and us) and a low-grade fever.

And to round off this litany of joys, little Dude is bouncy and healthy and happy and getting on the nerves of all the sickies...

Thank God I had my flu shot this year, and here's hoping that it will keep me healthy. Someone needs to keep the Good Ship Household running.

One good thing that happened today though, is that after GardenBoy was revived he went and bought himself a new laptop and so now I won't have to listen to him teach his children rude words as he shouts at the old one! He is a happy bunny now, playing with his new toy.

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