we have also had some more unusual visitors over the 'holiday period'.
And then there was the flock of waxwings that swooped in and stripped the bushes just outside of the garden of their rosehips.
Thanks to the RSPB's bird identifier for helping us figure out what we were looking at!

Pip got a book on stop-motion animation so there have been some disturbing things happening to little modelling-clay men...

We also went to London to visit some friends and to see the Egyptian Book of the Dead at the British Museum, which was very cool. No pictures, not allowed to take any, and don't want to pinch from their website, but go and see the link, and go to the exhibition if you can!
Sorry about the terrible formatting on this post. I have tried and tried to make things go where I want but they have been flatly refusing and I have had to throw up my hands in defeat.
We had a few Robins visiting our garden over Christmas which, coupled with the snow made it a very seasonal view from the window. Other than wood pigeons and black birds though we struggle to attract other birds. Its great you managed to capture them on the camera. I hope they keep visiting your garden!
Hi there Garden Mum. What food do you leave out for them? I find that shelled sunflower seeds are the favourite of most of my visitors, and I make sure I sprinkle some on the ground to keep the ground feeders happy. I also put out fat balls and peanuts (and old bread etc), although in the very cold weather I was crushing the fatballs on a plate to leave fat-crumbs because the balls were freezing solid!
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