I helped to organise and run a Funday for 7-11 yr olds over the weekend, and one of the things* we did was make bird-feeders out of old juice cartons. We have lots of left-over cartons, so I thought I would do one myself...

These are the ones that Pip and Dude made at the Funday... and the birds were using them yesterday! Love it!

The other major project for today is to burrow through the mountains of laundry. It is a bright, sunny day, so I am taking a risk and putting washing on the line... perhaps for the last time this year?

Look who I found out there in the sunshine! Such a lovely day - must get out for a walk in it!
* If you are interested, the other things we did (theme St Francis of Assisi and caring for creation) were:
- planting bulbs in pots
- making prayer-flags with different coloured cloth representing different aspects of creation (like good Christians over the ages we pinched a good idea from another culture and adapted it to our own use!)
- learning to identify 12 common trees using the idial from the Woodland Trust's kid's club
- playing bird bingo, courtesy of images from the RSPB bird identifier pages
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