And since the weather yesterday was nothing short of perfect (shorts! t-shirts! sunglasses!) I got my butt in gear and started doing things.
In my defence it's not like I haven't been doing things all along, it's more that it taaakes foreverrrrr.... Everything takes SO much longer than you would believe!
So. Yesterday.
Dug over last year's onion bed to make it a home for the last remaining strawberry plants. The others had been planted a few days earlier into the raised beds that used to be drawers (remember them?). I had planted shallots (why?? mini onions which means you have to peel, like 6 of them to have enough for anything! Pain. In. The. Butt!) and asparagus (which died... or failed to grow at all... sad sad sad) in them last year. So we have strawberry plants. Probably WAY too late and we may not get much from them this year, but hopefully they'll do something and then we are ahead of the game for Next Year. Hmm...
Continued to dig, weed and de-stone the rest of the veggie patch. I swear it's like I never grew anything there ever before. Where do all the stones come from? Do they grow too? I picked out a bucket-full just yesterday! Did I not notice them last year? How?!
Resurrected last year's beanpoles and started creating the trellis for the peas, at which point: STRING! Took my string to church for some craft thingy and never got it back, which means I am stringless and unable to finish the bean-pole project. WaH! But since I am on such a roll I gather my minibeast hunting offspring up and we scooter over to our neighbourhood mega-store and buy some STRING, which allows me to finish that project and get the wee pea-lets into the ground. Yay me!
Also got the bedding plants in which had been sitting around for a week looking sadder by the day. Now they are in their new homes and all they have to do is get big and lovely and grow lots of purdy flowers which the happy bees and butterflies will love.
So here you go, evidence of productivity!

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