We found the coolest vegetable ever in a greengrocers in a nearby town... It was fractal broccoli! I searched for it on the internet and found out that it is actually called Romanesco Broccoli, and it definitely wins the prize for worlds coolest vegetable.
It is now our favourite vegetable, but it is not sold in our local supermarket, so we have to go to the other town to get it. So we haven't had it since and I hope that next time I go to the green grocers they have it again. They didn't have it in another grocers in another town, so here's hoping.
In other news...
We had a wonderful trip away over half term with our church... We went to a Youth Hostel and took over the whole place for three days.
Edinburgh Zoo
We had a halloween party for Pip which was a great.
And Spike moved into a big-boy bed. Which means he can now get out of bed at 6:30 with the big ones... so they have been put under a new regime and are not allowed to get up until 7. Which I think is reasonable, but they think is tortuous. Hopefully they will get used to it soon!

No gardening news, I am afraid, because, as a friend's gardening calendar says 'November is NOT a gardening month'. Too much rain, wind and general nastiness for me. We have lost all the leaves off our bird-feeding tree though, which means we can see the bird feeders now, so we have started filling them again, and are enjoying watching the birds. We get greenfinches, sparrows, blue tits, great tits, goldfinches, and have even had a woodpecker (but not at the birdfeeders). And robins, blackbirds and collared doves pick up whatever falls out onto the grass below.
And that's the news from Lake Wobegon...
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