Thursday, 4 September 2008

Sun and Showers

We have had such a wet summer, but this last week has been silly. Not really wet, but every time you start to feel optimistic about the weather and hang a load of washing out it starts to pour within 10 mins. So the washing stays out for the next two days trying to get dry.

Today was no exception.

And then... 1 o'clock... sunny. 2 o'clock... still sunny. 3 o'clock... what? Still sunny? QUICK! Get down to the allotment before it starts raining again!

So I picked the boys up from school, rushed them home to get changed, and then raced to the allotment, bumping into my Partner in Allotmenting as we arrived. She had had the same thought! So there were 4 little boys making squishy mud-holes and eating chocolate chip cookies while we yanked more carpet up. Got about an hour of work done. We have cleared very nearly half of the site now!

Spike is going out to play tomorrow so if it's not raining in the morning we are going to meet down there and have another go at it. Must dig weeds while the sun shines.

Oh, and my washing got dried too! What more could I want?

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