We started off yesterday trying to pick strawberries at our local Pick Your Own, but the season had finished. We were only there 2 weeks ago, but strawberries are definitely a here-and-now type of fruit. Luckily there is a great park right next to the strawberry farm, so we went there instead, staying for a picnic and having a great time.
Today was another busy day - hair cuts, library, picnic by the river... and it was so hot that we just had to go and buy a paddling pool. Our most recent version had bit the dust when we moved last year. And last summer was such a miserable washout that we didn't need one before now.
But this one is a doozey... just look at it! It's FAB!
Just the right size for a GardenMummy to sit in and lean back and relax. Great backrest!

And great for splashing in, even if you don't put much water in.
But after a while it's back to the drawing board for Dude, who is never far from his pens, pencils and scissors these days.
But Spike decided he couldn't stay away, even without his suit on...
Spike and Pip are such good buddies.
Can you spot the Hiding Dude under the hiding bush?
And the Motoring Dude, driving between our abundantly flowering Hebes?
And a porthole view of the waterbaby.

GardenBoy talking to his Mama
Blackcurrants ripening.
Hopefully the weather will hold and we will have lots of warm sunshine for weeks to come.
Yay Summer!